Hi, my name is Andrew and I’ve been foraging gourmet and medicinal mushrooms since 2015. It started with pure fascination but I soon learned about the remarkable health benefits that mushrooms harbour. With a combination of passion in fungi, an MSc in Science and Technology Policy (SPRU, Uni. Sussex), and some simple home recipe extraction methods, I have arrived at a place where I feel very confident in the power of the tinctures I make to help with a massive range of issues. It took a lot of research, and although it’s not always easy consuming scientific literature, I strongly advise users do the same (and to this end I have included some of the most reliable sources on the efficacy of the mushrooms I use in the under ‘bibliography’).

I forage the vast majority of what goes into my mushrooms in the wild forests of the South West, sometimes with the help of my children. As business has grown, I have started to supplement some of the fly agaric and lion’s mane from a forager based in the foothills of the Caparthians.

What started as small batches of turkey tail tincture as Christmas presents (and a hope to prolong the life of my parents!) has become a business that I am passionate and proud of, and from feedback I am stoked and comfortable in saying makes a positive difference to a significant number of people.

Hand-foraged in the South-West

Made in Cornwall
